Sunday, February 14, 2010

The US is not the only high tech place in the world!

I went to the local library a few days ago because I need to read a play for one of my classes, and buying a copy seemed dumb. I actually stumbled across the library by accident when I was trying to find the bus station after getting done at the police station (where I requested a new passport, nothing bad for once).

So I walk into this library, hoping to GOD that it works the same way that it does in the US. You know, you walk in, go to the information desk, get a library card, find your book, and then go check it out at the register or desk or whatever.

No dice.

I walk in, and see... a lobby like thing, with a couple of computers. No information desk, no friendly librarians... Shit. Well, I spot a helpful sign that says "ADULT SECTION UPSTAIRS". I then walk upstairs, hoping that "Adult Section" does not mean "Porn Section" and thankfully, it was not. It was just the non kiddie books.

There's a lot of non-kiddie books. Where's my play?

I finally spot someone that looks like an employee and ask for help. She looks at me sort of like I am an idiot, but does help me find the book, and she signs me up for a library card. Then she asks me if I would like her to show me how to check out a book.

You mean you can't do that for me?

She takes me to another computer. Or rather, it's a monitor, and in front of it is a big red pad.
This is what I learn:
Put your library card anywhere on the pad, face up. This logs you in.
Then, select check out on the touchscreen monitor.
Place your book on the pad, wait about 10 seconds, and boom. You've checked out. If you would like a reciept, hit the reciept button.

Computers are taking over the world.


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